Download our full list of Fees, Fines & Appeals

Descarga nuestra lista completa de Tarifas, Multas y Apelaciones

Annual league dues for new and returning leagues
Annual dues for all member leagues shall be payable on or before the date of the Annual General Meeting in August of each year.
Annual team dues for new and returning teams $100.00
Team name change at the start of a registration year $0.00
Team name change during the registration year* $20.00
*Player passes must also be reprinted with the new team name – see fee below.
Annual player registration fee* $26.00
*Includes $5,000 Participant Accident Insurance Plan, $2,000,000 league and team liability coverage and $10,000,000 Directors and Officers liability coverage for the league.
Annual player registration fee* $31.50
*Includes $25,000 Participant AccidentInsurance Plan, $2,000,000 league and team liability coverage and $10,000,000 Directors and
Officers liability coverage for the league.
Additional player registration for another team (multi‐pass)* $10.00
*additional Participant Accident insurance premium may also apply
Player transfer during the registration year* $10.00
*After having paid the Annual Player Registration fee for a different team
Player release done by league registrar in Affinity $0.00
Player release done by the CSAN Office Staff $10.00
Temporary tournament player pass $10.00
Replacement of a lost player pass $10.00
Fee for CSAN staff to correct incomplete or incorrect player registration information* $10.00
*Includes correction of an inadequate player passport style photo
Request for liability insurance certificate submitted with correct information 7+ days in advance $0.00
Expedited insurance certificate request $20.00
Insurance certificate request submitted with incorrect information that requires correction $20.00
Team found guilty of fielding an ineligible player $200.00
Fee to file a protest or appeal $100.00
Amending the remainder of a suspension to a probationary period $100.00
Not fielding a full team for a State Cup GamePle
Credit card payment convenience fee:
Please contact office for information on service fees


Download our full list of Fees, Fines & Appeals

Descarga nuestra lista completa de Tarifas, Multas y Apelaciones